Monday, June 17, 2019

Personal Journey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Personal Journey - Essay ExampleThe time we are kids, we have our own choices and preferences about anything we come across without containment part imposed by elders in the family or the peer group we live in. As Erikson says, at each stage, there must develop an ego ability for the further development of personality (Slee 2002, p.53). I remember the days which I was always free from entrustments of heavy burdens or ethical values to be added to my action unlike now.I had my prepareing done in a comparatively small town with not many things to speak great bout those days. I can never say that I was at compromise with anything I longed for. I used to have good and fashionable clothes and lots of maneuver with very good friends. I must say, they should be the real gift of God. We had resourceful teachers to guide us through the high school education where the school was rated one of the top ten schools in the state. Since my physique was quite athletic, I was directed to join var ious training campaigns to get trained for competitive events at different levels. At times I was successful, but never did I have the feel that I would ever become a sports man. It whitethorn be the case because I was much concerned about the humane elements of life. As an innate nature, I always liked to be of some help to plurality around me. Even today, I feel puzzled when I try to consolidate my present life with what I expected myself to be.It is for sure, my being a touch on was not an overnight affair. It took me several years of study and researches to become at lest what I am now. A clear cut study of evolutions happened in me may get you the idea about how people pitch themselves through different ages. I would never like to accept that I have done something to change myself therefore, I can say that life changes on its way with condition pertaining to stages of life. According to Erikson, the adulthood stage focuses

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